This note describes a style file to accompany the LATEX document styles article and report. It is not a systematic revision of these styles; rather it consists of modifications I found necessary or desirable in the course of my work. Although I have used the modifications for about a year in a variety of applications, they no doubt still contain some bugs. Please send any comments to the address below.
The name jeep
is a continuation of Leslie Lamport's analogy,
in which he compares TEX to a racing car and LATEX to a family
sedan. The modifications here convert the sedan to a general purpose
vehicle — a jeep. The modifications, like a jeep, are not pretty,
but the casual LATEXer user can cover a lot of territory
with them.
It should go without saying that I would not have bothered to modify
LATEX if it had not become indispensable to me. I have heard a
number of criticisms of LATEX, some of which I share. But when the
carping is done, LATEX remains one of the best document processing
systems around. The fact that jeep
exists is a testimony to
Lamport's craftsmanship.